
A Knock on the Door

New Mexico sunset

Claim it, chilluns

“I come from the mountain,” he said, and growled. This was no game, however, but serious shaman voodoo meant to jolt me. I knew the mountain, too. “Do you know how many people I’ve taken out there?” he asked. “Just you,” he said.”You’re the only one.” We talked a long time. The rest of this [...]

My Time With Fang

snow scene

Not a hamster but our Pontiac Vibe three days ago

“Ouch! He bit me!” I thought hamsters were supposed to be cuddly little beasts, but this one was out for blood. I was only ten or eleven at the time, which didn’t help. This was a long, long time ago and I was on my own, a nerdy Air Force brat in Germany. Elvis had [...]

Silver Fingers on the Roof

Talpa valley in the morning

Morning light over the Talpa valley. Note the shadows in the foreground. Taos proper is down beyond and to the left.

The roof leaked like crazy the last time it rained—the same places as before, dripping quickly from the bathroom window frames and down from rotting vigas there and in the kitchen. The towels I quickly laid across the sills were sopping wet in just a few minutes. I built a fire in the wood stove, [...]

Black and White


Old sagebrush by the trail

Just the photo today. Working on some projects…

Nature Shock

Looking west from Llano Quemado

The neighborhood today

I couldn’t possibly make the left turn with a big red wrecker truck hanging on my bumper at sixy miles an hour, so I drove another half mile to where I had a turn lane, circled right back to the highway—empty now, thank God—and cruised toward town until I found the place again. There was [...]



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