writing life

An Hour After Dawn

Just like the title says…

If these iPhone 6s+ shots get any better, I’ll have to marry the damn thing.

It’s only life, as some would say. Awakened at 5:15 a.m. by a familiar blackness—hello, doom!—I staggered to the computer to encounter this: https://twitter.com/DanKennedy_NYC/status/730287235740897280 Obviously I’m a pro. As my wife says several times a day, “Can you please relax?” We’ll see!


yours truly

Taken with Photo Booth on a beat-up MacBook Air, massaged w/ Photoshop CC

A little cold just now. Scratchy throat, the rest. Knocked out for major segments of the day while my leukocytes fight the microbes. Guiltless slumber, anyway, all for a good cause. In the empty quiet time, remembering the urge to sing… It’s been happening for months. No words, no special song, just the strangest urge. [...]

A Different Realm

NM sunset clouds

I didn’t need a coat to take this picture

It came from out of nowhere after all that snow and cold, a streak of dry and sunny days with record-breaking highs. This happens almost every year, but usually in March. Around the first day of spring, I think we’ve got this beat and then it turns all wet and nasty. Over the years I’ve [...]

How to Stop Worrying

worried man

You’re welcome

Oh, you clicked on that, did you? Probably means you’re a worrier, hah! Well, I don’t know. Why do you think I posted this in the “Mystery” category at 3:00 a.m.? We can try replacing worry with something else, I guess. Heroin, maybe, or a plate of steaming hot waffles soaking in high-fructose syrup with [...]

Witnessing New Mexico

old Ford F-150 in the snow

Tropical compared to today

The image is only two days old. Last night it snowed twice that much, well over half a foot on the lee side of the rocky hill we call a driveway. Today was mostly sunny and cold, really cold, in the teens until almost noon. (It’s 12 °F as I write, an hour before midnight.) [...]



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