writing life

Golden Light Report

Sunset scene with Taos Mountain

Dental floss tycoon view

It’s evening now, but today was one of those mornings in paradise. The ancient washing machine that empties into the kitchen sink—if you remember to hook the hose over the edge—had come to a stop with a clatter and a scrape. As she pulled out the wet laundry to hang it on racks in front [...]

The Pull of the Void

Rio Grande Gorge near Taos, NM

Welcome to the rift

I had something of a breakthrough the other day. Yes, I have a lot of those, a consequence of having handicapped myself initially to bring more excitement to my later years. (Think of it as exercise in search of work.) So I feel pretty good. It really is different not being angry and depressed, and [...]

Magpie Train

sunset in Taos, NM

Just a few now but they keep on pouring in

That’s what they do every evening, the magpies of Llano Quemado, arrive in long lines at the cottonwood tree staging areas before flying up to Miranda Canyon to roost. At least that’s what they do in the summer. It’s February now, so maybe they just stay in the cottonwood trees here all night. (Those aren’t [...]

Isolation Therapy

view from Taos, NM

Looking west from Llano Quemado (south side of Taos)

This happens to me all the time: no matter how much at home I feel at any given moment, no matter how often my heart sings with joy at being in the mountains, no matter many epiphanies or transcendental experiences I’ve had, whenever I hear of someone leaving Taos, my first reaction is almost always [...]

I Need a Car

Pontiac Vibe in Taos, NM

License plate number altered, of course, hah!

This is just silly. Off she goes in the family car on a normal busy day for her, while I sit here “stuck.” I have my ancient truck, an ’87 Ford F-150, for strictly local stuff like driving to the trailhead, running errands, and so forth, but what if I want to take a little [...]




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