You’re about to read three chapters of a “work-in-progress” called Man on the Water. As I may never finish (though I hope I do) I’m sharing what I have because I like them and they also stand alone. Enjoy.- JHF TOLCHESTER BEACH, 1948 MOTI SPLASHED IN THE SHALLOWS, holding on to the bow. The sand [...]

Greetings! Yes, I’m still here, and nothing of consequence will change at this site. I do have a new venture, however, that will be unfolding alongside JHFARR.COM, namely the above at Substack is a minimalist digital publishing platform intended for “newsletters,” although a single essay qualifies. Photos work. Anything works, plus there’s an option [...]
We took a splendid little road trip up to southern Colorado. It was a glorious, beautiful day with visibility clear to sharp horizons. I wanted to stop every quarter mile and take more cloud shots. Just before crossing the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, we saw a tight clump of half a dozen bighorn rams, and [...]
Another pack rat in the trap beneath the sink! That’s three in a week without changing the peanut butter bait: just toss the carcass outside for the magpies and coyotes, reset the trap, and put it back right where it was. Economical and efficient. Moving right along, I heard a gopher two nights ago on [...]
It hadn’t rained all month and everything was dead and ravens squawked. Letting the “yard” go back to Nature wasn’t going to make another house show up, but I’d given it a good shot—now we had a fire hazard, and I couldn’t find the hose. At the same time, the weather was a little out [...]