
April at 7,000 Feet

tulips after the snowstorm in Taos, NM

Not nearly as peaceful as it looks

This one’s a killer! The wind is epic, monumental. When the front rolled through late Saturday afternoon, the town of Taos down below was instantly obscured by dust, then rain and snow. I left two hummingbird feeders up, because the birds are here, and spotted one braving the blast to poke his beak inside the [...]

Eater of Men

storm cloud over New Mexico

What about the bloody daffodils?

April is getting serious. I don’t know what that is, but when it rolled through, we got snow. That picture says a lot about New Mexico. It’s like loving giant crocodiles and the only way to make them come is holding out your leg. Something else jumped out at me yesterday besides those clouds. Apparently [...]

Time Warp Weather

winter-like sky on April 3rd in Taos, NM

Supposed to be seventy in less than a week!

Not really, of course, just typical April carrying-on at this latitude and 7,000 feet. But this does feel weird, because we’ve had months of above normal temperatures and hardly any precipitation at all. Day after day of big, bright sun. I’ve been hiking in my shorts for weeks! The sky is generally the most dramatic [...]

Yesterday’s Sunset

cool sunset photo from Taos

Yes, it really looked like that.

Here’s a new photo for you while we go to Santa Fe today so my wife can have a root canal, oh my. Be that as it may, the endodontist is a cool guy, has great drugs, she’ll be fine, and it’s a gorgeous day for a drive through the canyon. I may leave this [...]

Early Spring (Video)

Here’s more evidence that we’ve skipped ahead to spring. As anyone who’s lived through a few years in el Norte knows, spring means howling wind and blowing dust! Tie the patio chairs down and hold on, that kind of thing. Somewhere in another life, spring meant tree frogs, blooming redbuds, and soft, perfumed air. Or [...]



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