
Old Adobe in the Rain

rainy evening in Llano Quemado

Sunday evening in Llano Quemado

What the hell is this? Did I just dream the last fifteen years? How much of my life has been a sleepwalk? I mean, motherfucker, right? I just had the strangest experience. You know how when you look back at something you said or wrote a long time ago and die from embarrassment? That’s pretty [...]

Cold and Wet

acequia in Taos, NM

Lazy man tattered prayer flags

That’s what it’s like here now. As I write this on Friday night, the highway from Dixon to Peńasco is closed because of “heavy flooding.” It’s in the mid-fifties outside and only a few degrees warmer inside the old adobe. I thought about making a fire but didn’t. The electric heater underneath my desk is [...]

Monsoon Storm

storm approaching Picuris Peak near Taos

Late afternoon, 7-31-2014

Sometimes it actually does rain here. These western storms are so funny, though. They arrive slowly, creeping and meandering, with almost no wind.* Some of them do dump rain like crazy—this same storm covered the ground with hail a few miles away—but nothing ever goes smash, except from lightning. It’s like this incomprehensibly huge thing [...]


Visitor Center in Cimarron, NM

For some reason this photo makes me want a cinnamon roll

I love this picture. Notice the New Mexico state colors. I’m also thinking that it’s quite a deal for a town of fewer than a thousand souls to even have a visitor center. And you see how bright it looks? How strong the sun must be? Well, it was, but by 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning, [...]

Spring, You Say?

Llano Quemado, south side of Taos, New Mexico

Oh dat blue

This might look warm. It wasn’t! More like the low forties when I took the shot six days ago, and it’s snowed twice since then. Not much, but still. The hummingbirds are back regardless, and the raccoons found the feeders I put up. Now I have to bring them in at night and put them [...]



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