
Stormy Sunday

storm over Taos, NM

About 7:00 p.m. MDT, looking NNE from the Llano ridge south of Taos

The storms built up slowly over the afternoon, the way they do, and rolled by one by one until just after sunset. That doesn’t mean we ever had a problem. In this part of the world, the land’s so big, the weather almost never finds you. But you see the storms, or hear them, or [...]


Taos Valley Overlook scene

That’s Lobo Peak in the distance. I want to hike up there soon.

Oh, it’s hard sometimes, knowing which way to go. My sister just had an operation on her trachea to manage a cancer scare. She’s in a hospital in Dallas and doing fine, but I’ve lost one sister already to liver cancer, and this makes me stumble. My wife will need a troubling operation on her [...]

After Dinner

view from Llano Quemado

iPhone 6s+ shot again. I love this thing.

Cold, damp, no wind. Quiet except for a few cows bawling in the valley. The scrunch of walking on wet sand. Smells of sagebrush and wet dirt. Snowed off and on today, sometimes a lot. Yesterday, too. For several days, actually. In the middle of that, we saw a hummingbird, so time to put the [...]

Pretty But Old

snowy Taos scene

Compensatory beauty, always appreciated!

Forging ahead here, doing what must be done! Yes, I took that picture about two hours ago. Even though this is April 1 and no one can be trusted, I swear that’s the real deal, deposited overnight. It can start being spring whenever it wants to, as far as I’m concerned, but no one ever [...]

In the Western Sky

wintry sky in Taos, NM

My favorite volcano again, too

Out here in the Terrible High Desert™, winter likes to try to sneak back in this time of year, especially if it sees you trying to stretch that firewood. I should have known better, I’m probably responsible. A little of that cheapo bullshit goes a long way. At any rate, those long blue-gray descending plumes [...]



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