
Mountain Power

Taos Mountain (detail)

Telephoto shot of west flank of Taos Mountain, about halfway up

Okay, this has to be another reason why we haven’t found a better house yet. I just stand outside and point my camera. The mountains are different every minute from weather, season, light, and moving clouds. Just look at the preceding post, fergodssakes. Who the hell ever has to go anywhere, says the man whose [...]

Go Tell It on the Mountain

Taos Mountain

Sacred to Taos Pueblo and forever condo-free

Taos Mountain, that is. Except you can’t. Go there, I mean, much less beat on a tamborine and scare the elk. But I can extend my vision across the valley with a telephoto shot and zoom in on the end result. This always blows my mind once I download the image onto the iMac and [...]



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