
In the Clouds

a ridge on Taos Mountain

Telephoto image from just up the road

You’re looking at piece of the west side of Taos Mountain. Imagine trying to climb up that ridge! Imagining is all you can do, since this is sacred ground, and only tribal members can go there. That’s why I use a telephoto lens and walk a bridge of light. When I look at something like [...]

Pectorals of Steel

hummingbird in flight

Young male rufous? Maybe female??

Okay, maybe I have the muscles wrong. But look at this guy! I don’t think that’s baby fat. If this thing were six feet tall, you’d wouldn’t want to meet up angry at the bar. We used to have these fly into the kitchen when we lived in San Cristobal (no screens on the windows). [...]

Swan Dive

hummingbird in flight

I hope you have some where you live

Just imagine if this were in focus. I would be a god! I decided to keep it anyway because of the arc of the wings. To hell with me, hummingbirds are gods. Or popcorn, if the cat jumps high enough. A real god would understand. I like this one for the colors and the energy [...]

Buy photos at my SmugMug Gallery

No T-shirts or mouse pads, though. What kind of a man do you think I am?!?

All right, here you go: from now on, every JHFARR.COM post image—the big one, anyway—can be yours to hang on your wall. (Except this one, obviously.) I’ve set up a pro account at SmugMug, and you can always access the gallery at the “Buy Photos” link in the nav bar at the top of the [...]

Taos Mountain Clouds [Updated]

Taos Mountain in the clouds

Telephoto shot from 200 yards down the road

The title and text previously associated with this image have walked off into the woods and vanished, so this is what you get—and is it not a wondrous thing? In fact, in just a day or so, you’ll be able to buy it and every other photo on this site. Stay tuned for the announcement, [...]



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