There it is, a red-tailed hawk. I didn’t see it when I took the telephoto shot, which makes this even better. For those who may not know, sightings of particular animals (and the nature of these encounters) often have great significance in Native American and other aboriginal cultures. (Google away, there are many books and [...]

A black-chinned hummingbird, I believe »Buy This Photo!«
I hope people like hummingbird photos. Like I said, a) feeders hanging just outside the windows, b) Pentax K-x at the ready, and c) use that telephoto lens! There will be a ton of these before long. Also, believe it or not, I only just started shooting in RAW mode. For years I’ve never bothered. [...]
I took this telephoto shot of Taos Mountain at around 3:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoon using my Pentax K-x with 55-300mm lens on the automatic setting. As I am a lazy ignoramus on the subject, it’s never occurred to me to use a filter, which may be one reason the long shots tend to end up [...]
Sure, but then you knew that. This is a telephoto view looking west toward the Sangre de Cristos from Taos Valley Overlook about six miles south of Taos. The town itself lies beyond and below the sagebrush mesas in the foreground. That huge hulking thing is mostly Taos Mountain and belongs to Taos Pueblo. The [...]
This is a Eurasion collared dove resting in late afternoon sunlight. You can read about them here. I like having doves around. By the way, it snowed today, between two and three inches worth. That’s why the out-of-focus background is so light in color. It’s going down to 18 °F tonight. Springtime in the mountains, [...]