This happens to me all the time: no matter how much at home I feel at any given moment, no matter how often my heart sings with joy at being in the mountains, no matter many epiphanies or transcendental experiences I’ve had, whenever I hear of someone leaving Taos, my first reaction is almost always [...]
This is just silly. Off she goes in the family car on a normal busy day for her, while I sit here “stuck.” I have my ancient truck, an ’87 Ford F-150, for strictly local stuff like driving to the trailhead, running errands, and so forth, but what if I want to take a little [...]
There’s not much snow, and that’s just fine with me. New Mexico is drying up, however. Big dirt sucking up the wet, rocks and mountains hungry for whatever moisture falls. They say that all these trees will die in just a couple generations. No one can believe that, though; didn’t we just track in a [...]
The snow is beautiful, but for some reason this year I don’t seem to care. Not yet, anyway, and certainly not this Monday morning. Maybe fourteen years of digging out, hacking at icy windshields, and slopping through the mud and slush have done their job. Here in Taos, this attitude will get you zero sympathy [...]
Oh, my God… I turned this up looking through my photo archives for September 18th. That’s my ’87 Ford F-150 when it was in good enough shape to be my rolling motel. There’s the Swedish camp cot with the antique quilt for bedding, the thermos with the drip coffee cone on top, the single-burner propane [...]