Taos Valley Overlook

Blargle Blargle Die

view from Taos Valley Overlook

New Mexico indeed

Forget about Taos. This is six miles south of town. When people say it’s beautiful here, they don’t mean Walmart, they mean this. And if they don’t, to hell with them, they only want to sell you something. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of the old adobe buildings are gorgeous, even in their frozen-in-time [...]

Thoughts While Hiking

Rio Grande Gorge near Taos, NM

Two days before the solar eclipse

The first thing is, there are no mistakes. Anything I do results from all the forces acting on me at the time. I can look back and say something like, “I’ll bet she would have let me” or “I should have bought that motorcycle when I had the chance,” but why? No way could I [...]

That Great Big New Mexico Sky

clouds over the Rio Grande Gorge at Taos Valley Overlook

Approximately my 3,000th shot from this spot, but they’re always different

This isn’t even the half of it. Holy god. Those clouds are moving, you know. And I wouldn’t have seen it if I hadn’t gotten out of the house today to walk again at Taos Valley Overlook. It’s the only place I ever seem to go, but I’m not bored yet. Marking my progress on [...]

It’s Different Here

big ole mountains near Taos

Notable for what one doesn’t see

Sure, but then you knew that. This is a telephoto view looking west toward the Sangre de Cristos from Taos Valley Overlook about six miles south of Taos. The town itself lies beyond and below the sagebrush mesas in the foreground. That huge hulking thing is mostly Taos Mountain and belongs to Taos Pueblo. The [...]

Rio Grande Golden Locust

Rio Grande Golden Locust

Sighted at Taos Valley Overlook

The sturdy carapaces of these extremely rare creatures (saltamontes del oro) are actually coated in gold dust from digging burrows in gold-bearing ore deposits to lay their eggs. It is said that if you encounter one during mating season and follow from a safe distance, the insect may lead you to a claim. The hardy [...]



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