Yes, it’s that view again. Why not? It’s different every time, and yesterday was perfect. I don’t have much to say right now, just look at this. That’s the gorge of the Rio Pueblo in the foreground, with the larger and deeper Rio Grande Gorge behind it. The tectonic plate on the other side thinks [...]

Volcanoes on the horizon »Buy This Photo!«
I always say it’s the air, right? Well, it’s true. Here’s what it looks like. Monsoonal skies all afternoon long. Cloudy, cool—near 70°F—with rain falling overhead (according to the radar) that never touches the ground. Hasn’t yet today at this location, anyway. Very quiet, too. There’s a rodeo in town. Is that where everyone is? [...]

Behold the rift! »Buy This Photo!«
Well, I mean, why not? Why in the only everloving world we’ve ever known the hell not? A friend of mine* owns half of an entire mountain with the lava plug of an old volcanic cone at the summit. (No, not shown in photo.) He and I are going to make a “run for the [...]

No, really »Buy This Photo!«
The way was tight, but Juan del Llano persevered, stepping over clumps of cactus and sharp edges of broken sage to plant his boots in unmarked golden sand. It was precisely this that drew him to explore such places, quiet, mysterious, and protected, where secret magic dwelt. In that way there was always something precious [...]
Yup, had to pull on the emergency cargo pants hanging on the bathroom door and zip up a hoodie to walk down the road before coffee and take this shot. I love the clouds. They also change moment to moment, so I had to hurry. This is of course the taller 12,305 ft peak of [...]