Not taken today, but that’s where I was. Similar but more grand. There was a large storm with lightning and heavy rain about twenty miles away on the other side of the gorge. It looked like a Portuguese man-of-war with horns and covered half the sky. I could see the rain advancing rapidly in my [...]
Gaze long above and feel the cold air hit you from the west! You may need to go sit in the car or get another layer. (That’s okay, my wife did both.) The photo is the truth. So much else is not! Those huge rocks on the right are the backside of the Brazos Cliffs, [...]
These birds are incredible. That they exist just slaps me silly. That I can look out my window at the feeder and there they are—in between the evil squirrel raids—is something special. I am one lucky goddamn sonofabitch. But just think how hard that lazuli bunting had to work to get to where he is [...]
Down by the river and there’s just me making my way while the way makes me »Buy This Photo!«
There’s not much snow, and that’s just fine with me. New Mexico is drying up, however. Big dirt sucking up the wet, rocks and mountains hungry for whatever moisture falls. They say that all these trees will die in just a couple generations. No one can believe that, though; didn’t we just track in a [...]