Not really a stampede, but they were a-hustling. We came across a large herd, I’d say thirty or more, attempting to cross U.S. 285 just south of San Antonio Mountain in northern Taos County near the Colorado line. Fortunately we and a single pickup coming the other way—he stopped—were the only traffic at the time. [...]
We saw these pronghorns just beside the road a few miles outside of Cimarron a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes I think about the life force that produces living, breathing creatures like this out of oxygen and dirt. They don’t look worried. Why did I wake up at 3:00 a.m.?
We came upon them suddenly at the top of a hill, clustered at a waterhole just twenty feet from the road. I immediately stopped. They immediately started walking away. The buck stood guard between us and them, forcing me to choose which ones to photograph. By the time I’d gotten out and aimed my camera [...]

I think these are females. Both sexes shed their horns. »Buy This Photo!«
The pronghorns are here because you’re not. We sat parked by the side of the road for for about ten minutes, watching. Not another car came by. That’s the way it is in northeast New Mexico. Being close to wild animals like this is such a privilege. It’s more than the beasts, though. I told [...]

Pronghorns (antelope) on the old Santa Fe Trail »Buy This Photo!«
Oh my god yes. I’m driving and shouting about the vistas. There is almost no one with us on this highway. The open space is so exhilarating. It’s not too hot and not too cold. The air is indescribable but you want it. To be a part of this! About halfway between Cimarron and Rayado, [...]