
Life on Other Planets

female pronghorn

Oh my

Behold the female pronghorn! The animal was semi-corralled beside the fence, allowing me to ease the car quite close, but carefully, lest I frighten her into jumping over. She could probably do this—[nope, see comments!]—but you never know. I’d never had such a view of one and thought it looked quite strange, not at all [...]

Pronghorn Up Close

another pronghorn

How can I miss you if you won’t go away? (Thinks he!) »Buy This Photo!«

Another candid critter shot from the empty road between Cimarron and Rayado! Looks like this male is shedding his winter coat. I still don’t understand about the horns—just when they shed the outer covering—but you can see them fine here. The female version lacks the upward-turning point. It may not look it, but these are [...]

Colfax County Pronghorn Prayer

pronghorn outside Cimarron, NM

Afternoon of the Antelope

Sometimes I can’t believe how lucky I am to be here. Other times I want to shoot myself, but still. I think the lucky stuff is winning out. It’s kind of been a long time. I used to drive to Washington, D.C. and Baltimore. The freeways were all walled in. You couldn’t see a thing. [...]

Colorado Highway 10 Again

quintessential Colorado Highway 10 image

Cities just don’t do it for me

This has to be the quintessential Colorado Highway 10 photo. Just gimme the damn prize right now. You’re looking due west here. I shot it through the windshield not too far from where Rt. 71 ends if you’re coming down from Rocky Ford and you turn right (west) on 10 at the “little white house”—actually [...]



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