old Taos

Old Taos

old Taos adobe

Not ours, but nearby

I can’t believe I don’t have any other posts by this name. There could be a whole series! This is a neighbor’s house. I’ll just let you take it in. »Buy This Photo!«

Spring, You Say?

Llano Quemado, south side of Taos, New Mexico

Oh dat blue

This might look warm. It wasn’t! More like the low forties when I took the shot six days ago, and it’s snowed twice since then. Not much, but still. The hummingbirds are back regardless, and the raccoons found the feeders I put up. Now I have to bring them in at night and put them [...]

Happy Easter

blooming plum tree in Taos

Time for dancing naked in the fields

What’s left of the Japanese plum tree outside the dead landlord’s apartment blooms one more time. Its roots reach deep into the sewer line, so it will follow “Uncle Dale” except by chain saw, not by smoking and living over the septic tank. A battered lilac must go with it. The man’s been dead eight [...]

Skull City

steer skull in snow

Found this in a tree on a deserted mesa

This post has morphed to mystery status! Previous content under evaluation. (We work with live ammo around here, ya know.) Enjoy this New Mexico totem. And yes, I really did find it in a tree. You can read the story in my TAOS SOUL book. It’s the last chapter, actually: “Piñon Lift,” which almost gives [...]

It’s Happening Again

Taos Mountain in the snow and clouds

Taos Mountain, late Tuesday afternoon

Beautiful and terrifying, yes? Thank God we had a wood delivery this afternoon, the very piñon you see here. Pointing to the mountain after we’d unloaded, my wood guy said, “This is going to scare a lot of people. My phone is ringing off the hook…” That’s because the place he cut my load is [...]



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