Well, here we go. Is this all there is? Probably. But I think it can take us somewhere. Now look at the colors in the shadows. That was one of the first things I learned from my painting instructor at the college where my wife taught. Before then, I’d never even noticed that shadows have [...]
old Taos
The profound alienation I often feel has raised its faceless head again. It always comes on suddenly. This time the trigger was another couple our age, retired of course, who moved to Taos a few years ago and love the concerts, readings, and gallery openings… Just wait, I think. I never came for those, although [...]

There’s too much going on and moving much too fast. I’ve written this post at least six times. Each version was completely different and obsolete by dawn.
Oh man. Time for a change! I hope there’s a next phase. Well, I mean, there will be, but I hope I like it. In the meantime, here’s the apricot tree by the wood pile.

This is a still taken from a video. There are about 1,000 more of these birds out of sight in a tree.
Just a little something to break the usual rush of events. These are remarkable birds. They usually descend onto feeding platforms in huge flocks, making cries that sound very much like seagulls.