old Taos

Up in the Hills

The valley of the Rio Grande del Rancho just beyond the Llano Rim

A guy who lived just down this road built hot rods but he’s gone

Sometimes I forget we have a river nearby. The Rio Grande del Rancho runs through the valley below. There are pastures you can’t see here that flood from irrigation and attract wild ducks. Although to tell the truth, I haven’t seen that recently, since it’s gotten drier and drier. When I first moved in here, [...]

I Found One

green porch in Taos, NM

Just off Bent Street where the territorial governor got scalped

Who says there aren’t any screened-in porches in New Mexico? We do, I guess. But there it is! Covered with plastic, looks like, but it might be screened. Slowly being eaten by termites and sinking into the ground, I’ll bet, just like our old porch in Merryland. Interesting tilt, anyway. Looks like that place even [...]

Ten Years Out and Nothing’s Changed

July, 2003 somewhere in Arroyo Seco

Photo from 2003. She’s happy ’cause she hasn’t seen the head yet!

NOTE: I’ve got a good one for you here, an essay I published online back in July, 2003 when my wife was getting ready to move to Dubuque to take a job. Originally entitled “Stop Me if You’ve Heard These,” what made me think of it was a Craigslist ad posted by an ex-military guy [...]

I Don’t Mind (Cold Front)

cold front approaching Taos

Oh there was a mighty wind. You had to be here, though.

There it comes! I’d say the leading edge of that is roughly 40 miles away. It’s so cool the way you see the weather in New Mexico before it happens. Gives you time to batten down the hatches, call out the National Guard, or write your will. A while ago we drove into town. Saturday [...]

Taos Primer: Old Mike

Old Mike Peak in Taos, NM

Telephoto shot from the window by my desk in Llano Quemado, not a cloud in the sky

The main thing to remember is, this isn’t Wheeler Peak. (I thought it was for years!) Almost the same height, too, over 13K ft. You can hike to it after climbing Wheeler, though. The latter is out of sight behind Taos Mountain on the left. Every year I say I’m going to get myself up [...]



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