
One Year Ago Today

wave crashing on the rocks on the coast of Maine

Just oh my and gibber honk tweet

Three days past one full year ago, to be exact, I was standing in the ocean on a beach in Maine. I have a photo of my foot in a few inches of water from a receding wave to prove it, but I just looked and there is nothing to be gained so never mind. [...]

An Ocean for New Mexico

Reid State Park, Maine

Stood there half an hour, hardly comprehending

Gaze on this, ye dry ones, and despair! There’s plenty of water on the planet, just not in the Rio Grande or falling from the skies upon the land I love. What you see here is the Atlantic Ocean just off Reid State Park near Georgetown, Maine. I had to get away from crushing family [...]

Goods of the Dead (Down East)

Taos Mountain, April 2013

Temperature near freezing, spring snow showers passing over Pueblo land

“Take a good long look, son. Let it burn down deep and find a home inside. In a few days you’ll be staring out the window at a wall of green. Maybe even the ocean, too.” Wait, what?! Who said that? Oh no. It’s true! I have to go to Maine. I’ve known for years [...]



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