New Mexico

The Joy of Perfect Pain

Mountains and clouds

Looking northeast toward Pueblo lands

Well, what do I do now? This old adobe has no built-in closets, but one end of the added-on bathroom has a sturdy shelf of heavy boards that goes all the way across. There’s enough room underneath to hang two lengths of conduit from chains. My wife gets the left side, I get the right. [...]

Yesterday’s Sunset

cool sunset photo from Taos

Yes, it really looked like that.

Here’s a new photo for you while we go to Santa Fe today so my wife can have a root canal, oh my. Be that as it may, the endodontist is a cool guy, has great drugs, she’ll be fine, and it’s a gorgeous day for a drive through the canyon. I may leave this [...]

Magpie Train

sunset in Taos, NM

Just a few now but they keep on pouring in

That’s what they do every evening, the magpies of Llano Quemado, arrive in long lines at the cottonwood tree staging areas before flying up to Miranda Canyon to roost. At least that’s what they do in the summer. It’s February now, so maybe they just stay in the cottonwood trees here all night. (Those aren’t [...]

Almost Full

moon over Talpa (Taos, NM)

Looking east (duh) at sunset

It didn’t look that small when I took the picture. (Photography is a mysterious business.) Anyway, the full moon is tomorrow. Maybe it’ll look bigger then! It was over 60 degrees today, by the way. Dudes with sleeveless T-shirts showing off tattoos, me driving around with my window down. I didn’t build a fire all [...]


clouds and Taos Mountain

Taos Mountain (what else) up to no good with the clouds

This is what I saw—more or less—when I looked out my window on Friday afternoon. Wild earth, wild sky, and where they meet. This is where the monsters live. In Maryland it happened where the water met the sand. Wildness wasn’t so much a factor as “relatively undisturbed.” In places along the tidal rivers, there [...]




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