
Swimming to Arcturus


Another one from Goddamn Buffalo, you lucky readers!

There once was a weekly web column named “Grack” (see below). This one’s from November 17, 2003, which I can hardly believe. You can find it among the other pathos-soaked lovelies in my Taos Soul ebook. – JHF Just before I saw the cloud, it happened again. There I was, just standing on the mesa, [...]

Easter Mountains

mountain  view near Taos, NM

Taos out of sight down in the valley past the last green ridge

On Sunday I drove us up here in the Dodge Dakota. The 4.7 L V-8’s dual exhausts throbbed and rumbled all the way through Talpa, along the Rio Grande del Rancho, and up into the mountains on sweeping, empty curves past patches of snow and fallen rocks. Every damn stump looked like a bear. The [...]

In a Dangerous Land

Taos Mountain from a supermarket parking lot

From a supermarket parking lot

We were zooming around the Washington, D.C. beltway doing eighty in the rain like everybody else—God knows how many lanes wide this was—when a semi passed us on the left and sideswiped a bus, which damn near rolled over and took the next exit with pieces of the body flapping in the wind. The whole [...]




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