mule deer

Rayado Moment

Mule deer in the shade, Rayado, NM

I think I want to be that deer »Buy This Photo!«

Oh man, Rayado. There are some buildings there, but this is pretty much it. You never saw a quieter place. I’d live somewhere around there if I could—feels like a fine location to write a dozen novels. Maybe two dozen. We drove past this resting mule deer on the way back to Cimarron—hey, did I [...]

Sandhill Crane Meets Mule Deer Stag

Sandhill crane meets mule deer stag

There was a golden eagle in a nearby tree while all of this was going on

Just a little something to start your day! This is from the Bernardo Wildlife Area, taken last Thursday. There were actually three deer in a field when several sandhill cranes landed nearby. The male deer retreated to the edge of the woods while the birds mingled among the does, and after a little hesitation—see above—both [...]




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