Just the photo now. Don’t need that other stuff, it just feels better this way. Deleted much appreciated but now out-of-context comments, too. Enjoy! »Buy This Photo!«
I‘ll never get over New Mexico skies. If we ever move away, I’ll miss them terribly. It’s possible there are others—this is one heaving big planet—but in my perversity, I’ve not allowed myself to wander more. Taos is a strange place, though. A very strange place. The sky and wonders of Nature are one thing, [...]
NOTE: I’ve got a good one for you here, an essay I published online back in July, 2003 when my wife was getting ready to move to Dubuque to take a job. Originally entitled “Stop Me if You’ve Heard These,” what made me think of it was a Craigslist ad posted by an ex-military guy [...]

Great photo, eh? I caught the last rays of the sun yesterday evening by shooting this through the window beside my desk. All I had to do was turn a little to my left, and there it was! Not a bad place to work, I have to say. And then today my wife came back [...]