
Monsoon Storm

storm approaching Picuris Peak near Taos

Late afternoon, 7-31-2014

Sometimes it actually does rain here. These western storms are so funny, though. They arrive slowly, creeping and meandering, with almost no wind.* Some of them do dump rain like crazy—this same storm covered the ground with hail a few miles away—but nothing ever goes smash, except from lightning. It’s like this incomprehensibly huge thing [...]

Late Spring in the Boonies

high desert south of Taos, NM

Can’t get over how green it looks, and with hardly any rain

Behold The Terrible High Desert™ in all its horror, eh? Give me a place like this and we’re in business, but it hasn’t happened yet. Our buyer’s agent keeps sending me listings for houses in the sagebrush—there’s plenty in this view—and I just can’t relate. Rocks and hills and arroyos to explore is quite the [...]

Homeland of the Heart

Looking west from behind the Brazos Cliffs

Approximately 10,202 ft where I took this shot, according to the iPad

Gaze long above and feel the cold air hit you from the west! You may need to go sit in the car or get another layer. (That’s okay, my wife did both.) The photo is the truth. So much else is not! Those huge rocks on the right are the backside of the Brazos Cliffs, [...]

Simplicity at 7,000 Feet

Old Mike Peak in Taos, NM

“Old Mike” Peak (originally San Miguel), telephoto image from my window

What’s the punishment for being “wrong”? In my upbringing, that would be that no one loves you. No matter how enlightened or advanced one grows, this still requires constant dismantling, as the scattered bones come back together every night. Imagine, too, a world where creativity outside of math or engineering is despised, where taking risks [...]

April at 7,000 Feet

tulips after the snowstorm in Taos, NM

Not nearly as peaceful as it looks

This one’s a killer! The wind is epic, monumental. When the front rolled through late Saturday afternoon, the town of Taos down below was instantly obscured by dust, then rain and snow. I left two hummingbird feeders up, because the birds are here, and spotted one braving the blast to poke his beak inside the [...]



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