“I come from the mountain,” he said, and growled. This was no game, however, but serious shaman voodoo meant to jolt me. I knew the mountain, too. “Do you know how many people I’ve taken out there?” he asked. “Just you,” he said.”You’re the only one.” We talked a long time. The rest of this [...]
From where I was standing to take this picture, I could smell exhaust fumes. The scene looks peaceful enough, but just before I pulled out my iPhone, about twenty pickup trucks and cars came by in an unbroken stream. This is the view from the house we’ve been considering. Not bad, eh? Except for the [...]
I couldn’t possibly make the left turn with a big red wrecker truck hanging on my bumper at sixy miles an hour, so I drove another half mile to where I had a turn lane, circled right back to the highway—empty now, thank God—and cruised toward town until I found the place again. There was [...]
Quite spontaneously, we both decided Thursday morning that the time had come for a trip around the Enchanted Circle to see the changing leaves. It was simply marvelous. I don’t have pictures of the most shocking views because they opened up on narrow curves around nine thousand feet. What the hell, you have to be [...]

Seven thousand feet, by God »Buy This Photo!«
Before I’d even passed the Iowa state trooper on the shoulder, I could see his wheels begin to roll. We’d barely started out from Osceola early under a wet gray sky and I was doomed. The road was wide, smooth, and empty. Apparently I’d flown over the crest of a hill at seventy miles per [...]