
My brother Bill around age four in Germany

Bill in Germany around age four, a long, long time ago

Oh yes, I watched that debate. As I tweeted to someone, “I’ve never seen anything like that in my entire life!” It’s relevant to this post, but that comes later. This is all about my brother Bill. Someday I’ll write the book about my family that will end all family histories—no one will even try [...]

Taos Trap™ Explained and Busted

Chamisa blossoms

I thought this was a metaphor but now it’s not

[Note: be sure to read the whole thing. This started as a rant. As I wrote, the anger drained away and something shifted. – JHF] It’s easy to wake up at 4:00 a.m. and fumble for the pistol in your nightstand. (Flashlight, buckles, old eyeglasses clatter in the drawer.) Doom and hopelessness will do that [...]

Deprivation Row

Lobo Peak near Taos, NM

Lobo Peak from Llano Quemado

“John,” she called out as I was heading for the door, “could I see you for a minute?” Coming from my eighth grade social studies teacher in Abilene, Texas when Buddy Holly walked the earth, this was no request, but I was fine. Ever the would-be teacher’s pet—grateful for the only grownups who sometimes understood—I [...]

Lilac Hymn

lilac blossoms close up

Another iPhone 6s Plus shot, zoomed in tight

When we first met in Maryland, I fell in love so hard. Because I knew how much she liked lilacs, I left a sprig of blossoms pinned beneath the windshield wiper on her ’65 Volkswagen so there could be no doubt. Years later, there were lilac bushes at the first and only house we’ve ever [...]


yours truly

Taken with Photo Booth on a beat-up MacBook Air, massaged w/ Photoshop CC

A little cold just now. Scratchy throat, the rest. Knocked out for major segments of the day while my leukocytes fight the microbes. Guiltless slumber, anyway, all for a good cause. In the empty quiet time, remembering the urge to sing… It’s been happening for months. No words, no special song, just the strangest urge. [...]



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