Llano Quemado

Morning Raven

water towers south of Taos, NM

Still running 10 to 15 degrees above average here

Oh, you’ll find it. This is a telephoto shot, but I could hear him (?) squawking all the way across the road. It was all of a piece: a welcome end to Thursday night’s rain, the light about to break through low-hanging clouds, the raven calling the sun. Just a couple hundred feet above us, [...]

Dying Cow Days

curve along the Rio Grande near Pilar

Curve beside the real Rio Grande, way down deep inside the canyon

“MOOugnnnn! MOOugnnn! MooUGNNN!” just now at nine o’clock at night, over and over for a dozen cycles, then fades. It happens any time of day or night these days. There are farms of some sort in the valley at the bottom of the hill, down there where the Rio Grande del Rancho flows. (That’s what [...]

One Fine Week in the Mountains

Mountains south of Taos, NM

The thing once seen that never goes away

I never told you about the coyote, did I? It was maybe a week ago. For some reason I was standing behind the glassed-in screen door from the bedroom to the back yard looking out. A second later, a big brown coyote came up the path from “down by the acequia” and paused ten feet [...]

Domestic Considerations

interior of old adobe in Taos, NM

Shake the spiders out and keep on truckin’

It was another beautiful day here in el Norte. The photo was taken in the middle of June, but who cares? My wife is as beautiful as ever, and everything else is still the same. Or is it? Just yesterday the toilet wouldn’t flush (again), and I had to call Gilbert the Plumber. It had [...]

Extraordinary Day

Llano Quemado, south side of Taos, New Mexico

Windy, low 70s, warm sun, a touch of humidity

You’re going to get tired of these, so I’ll just say it was another one of those days. Absolutely stunning weather (if windy), high energy, rising power. On the human side, free-form adaptation. Things sliding into place. I could use more of whatever this is. I don’t know how to capture it in a photograph. [...]




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