Behold The Terrible High Desert™ in all its horror, eh? Give me a place like this and we’re in business, but it hasn’t happened yet. Our buyer’s agent keeps sending me listings for houses in the sagebrush—there’s plenty in this view—and I just can’t relate. Rocks and hills and arroyos to explore is quite the [...]
The big news is that the orioles are back, as anyone can plainly see. Also of passing interest is that I have either eliminated the middleman or else he just left, and now the lights are back on. That’s a good way to put it, I think, even if the truth is that it’s always [...]
This is somewhere near the bottom of the Rio Grande Gorge, maybe twenty yards above and fifty in a straight line from the river. The top of the cliff is 800 feet above. The scene is more unusual than you might think. The humongous boulders, for example, but especially the really sturdy sagebrush and a [...]
I hiked a different trail this afternoon, imagine that. We found a real gem in the Rio Grande Gorge, but I’m not naming it here until I can check something out. You’ll see why. Those rocks! I don’t know what they are, but igneous for sure: lava, basalt, granite? There’s a place with great honking [...]
This is where I go hiking. Usually I walk two miles out, then turn around. Sometimes I go farther. If I kept walking, the loop back to the parking lot would take nine miles. Now that would be some exercise, about three hours’ worth! As it is, by doing this every other day for over [...]