
October Morning in the West

hot-air balloon passing by Taos mountain

Telephoto shot from the back yard just this morning

We went to look at a house in San Cristobal yesterday. Just a peek-in-the-windows thing. Hearing the traffic go whistling past on the nearby highway killed the deal, but driving up that way again was notable. The mountain village was our first stop in New Mexico, you see. (For the lowdown on San Cristobal, Buffalo [...]

Under the Moldy Elk

Los Ojos in Jemez Springs

The walls have ears—and rattlesnakes! (Los Ojos)

[Sea shanty, origin unknown] Under the moldy elk, and over the bounding main some things are so terrible, you never can explain and when the wind do blow, with icy rain and snow it’s under the moldy elk, and over the side we go Chorus: Under the moldy under the moldy under the moldy elk [...]

Elk in the Grass

elk in the Valle Grande of the Valles Caldera

Always so cool to see these guys

This is the best I could do with a 300mm telephoto lens, but there they are, having a fine time in the Valle Grande of the Valles Caldera. There’s a single immature male in this photo. (A larger one was lost in the cropping.) You don’t have to drive to the Caldera to see elk [...]

The Thing About New Mexico

Valles Caldera, NM


Via a series of 15 mph switchbacks, we’d just come over the rim of the Valles Caldera at 9,100 ft. A few more curves, and the road dropped into the Valle Grande. The broad flat valley is protected and shelters a considerable number of elk. I stopped at the first place I could. This was [...]

Elk Poop Across the Road

elk scat

Maybe I can sell this stuff on eBay

You probably thought I was kidding. But when I walked across the road to get some pictures of the clouds, this is what I found, and there was plenty more. For some reason I didn’t put down a coin or anything else to judge the measurements here. That means you can say it isn’t elk [...]




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