el Norte

Thawing Out

snowy truck

Sometimes it’s right in front of your face

Things are looking up around here. All that snow is gone now, and the mud is almost firm enough to walk on with your good shoes. (Do people still have those?) It’s been a long, strange year since the old lady died. I passed out what was left of her money, and time went marching [...]

Old Taos (in the Snow), Again

old adobe on a snowy hillside in Taos, NM

My desk is by the window with the lamp

Oh, it’s old, all right. Taos is really old. Back East, people often act as if there wasn’t any history before the English—one can only wonder why—but here the millennia get in your face. Aside from whoever showed up with armed Spanish expeditions, many early European settlers were actually Sephardic Jews chased out of Spain [...]

Can’t Sleep, Can’t Die

old wreck of a farm on the edge of the valley near Taos


Freaking Llano, freaking Taos. Hernia scar won’t shut up, either. Don’t poke me like that in the night, don’t make me scared to breathe. Dead mother’s taxes, freezing ass cold. Bloody hell and gone, been there, done that. Sick of bad habits and struggling, too. Stuck like this bastard with all of his junk. Why [...]

Mountain Town

Paseo del Pueblo Sur in Taos, NM

Paseo del Pueblo Sur before the double lanes

Today’s my honey’s birthday. I promised her I’d put the registration sticker on the license plate for her we when we got back from buying water, so up the drive I trod. Thirty-five degrees and breezy in full sun, no jacket. I did the job and put the registration card inside the glove box. While [...]

Picuris from Miranda Canyon Road

Picuris Peak in the snow south of Taos, NM

Picuris is the one you can’t see, farther back, hidden in the clouds

That’s Picuris Peak up there somewhere and Miranda Canyon straight ahead. For different reasons, you can’t see either one. A bunch of us killed a fancy housing development up that way a few years back. I only played a tiny part, but I drew blood. The project had a PR campaign that treated the community [...]



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