At least 15 years old, this should be read on acid. Failing that—I don’t know where to find the stuff and wouldn’t take it now myself—just leap into the stew. It positively stinks of old-time Taos. (Previously published here.) Good luck. – JHF Today three women and I carried our landlord to the ambulance. A [...]
dead landlord

Another one from Goddamn Buffalo. If you sign up below, you can get these in your email.
Be hold, the dead landlord’s apartment. Relatives took the good stuff seven years ago. Yes, he’s been dead that long. I have a key and permission. His niece gave me everything that’s left. All this. The upended coffee table keeps the bathroom door shut. The shelves and sink in there are black with mouse shit. [...]

No wimpy nonsense in my house »Buy This Photo!«
This keeps happening to me. Someone dies, and eventually I get stuff. Not that I mind. I come intensely alive in the presence of unopened tombs. Also garages, old suitcases, boxes, and drawers. Callie the Wonder Cat is curled up here with a bronze sculpture of mine (“Catbeast #4: Caterpillar from Mars”) and some goods [...]

Borrowed for photo purposes today »Buy This Photo!«
That’s from the dead landlord’s apartment. When did he die, 2008? His niece inherited the property. The place has been sealed up since some relatives took away his antiques about a year later. Our landlady—the niece—wanted me to check it out and sent a key, but it didn’t work, and I had to call a [...]
What’s left of the Japanese plum tree outside the dead landlord’s apartment blooms one more time. Its roots reach deep into the sewer line, so it will follow “Uncle Dale” except by chain saw, not by smoking and living over the septic tank. A battered lilac must go with it. The man’s been dead eight [...]