
More Pronghorns

pronghorn antelope near Cimarron, NM

Telephoto shot, of course. They’re very skittish.

Most Americans call these antelope. I know we do. That’s not what they are, though, and it would be more accurate to call them “pronghorns.” Although Antilocapra americana evolved under the same conditions as Old World antelope and (except for their horns) are physiologically very similar, the animals are unique. According to Wikipedia: [The pronghorn] [...]

Colfax County Pronghorn Prayer

pronghorn outside Cimarron, NM

Afternoon of the Antelope

Sometimes I can’t believe how lucky I am to be here. Other times I want to shoot myself, but still. I think the lucky stuff is winning out. It’s kind of been a long time. I used to drive to Washington, D.C. and Baltimore. The freeways were all walled in. You couldn’t see a thing. [...]

Buffalo Gal

goddamn buffalo

St. James Hotel, Cimarron, NM

Here’s a pretty lady under a goddamn buffalo. Hope it’s screwed in good. Don’t bother me, I’m finishing a book. (See the revised About page.) Just a few more days! »Buy This Photo!«

Wall of Wonder

building in Cimarron, NM

Must be bigger ones inside

This is also Cimarron, New Mexico. You think you’ve seen it all and then some artist years ago (?) produced this and you intersect. I may have seen a gallery at the other end, which stands to reason. Fascinating place. At 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, the big wide street was quite deserted, by the [...]


Visitor Center in Cimarron, NM

For some reason this photo makes me want a cinnamon roll

I love this picture. Notice the New Mexico state colors. I’m also thinking that it’s quite a deal for a town of fewer than a thousand souls to even have a visitor center. And you see how bright it looks? How strong the sun must be? Well, it was, but by 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning, [...]




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