This is a telephoto shot (300mm) from the top of our driveway looking south toward Picuris Peak. It’s also from Tuesday morning and will look the same on Wednesday, given the moisture pouring in from the Pacific over Mexico. I love it, though. Just look: nobody up there! We had a visitor from back East [...]
Camino Real
I was driving down the road and had to stop. Right in front of the worst beat-up trailer you’ve ever seen, in fact. The latilla fencing is reinforced with rusting sheets of corrugated metal. There’s nothing in the yard but rocks, an old car seat, and busted children’s toys. But when they open their front [...]
That’s Picuris Peak up there somewhere and Miranda Canyon straight ahead. For different reasons, you can’t see either one. A bunch of us killed a fancy housing development up that way a few years back. I only played a tiny part, but I drew blood. The project had a PR campaign that treated the community [...]