This year my birthday adds up to one. (How appropriate, especially if you know the lyrics.*) It was a stressful birthday eve but I am straightened out. Be that as it may, my original plan for today was to drive north to Costilla, Amalia, and the Valle Vidal in my snorting V-8 Dodge. But on [...]
It was a very moving birthday trip for me, as good and as hard as it gets. Not only for the things we saw and where we went, but for the things that broke inside—I mean that in a good way, now, so don’t get crazy on me! Just tremendous, all in all. My body [...]
Another Nagasaki Day birthday coming up on Tuesday! I don’t know why this is so important to me. It always is, at any rate, perhaps because I’m a Leo and was born on such a historic date. Everywhere I’ve ever lived (except here in Taos), I’ve known scads of Leos, and there always was a [...]

Kinda makes me miss the buffalo »Buy This Photo!«
That’s the way it looked on May 17, the last time we were out there. Better than the way it looked, to tell the truth, but close enough. The location is south of Cimarron, somewhere between the Philmont Scout Ranch headquarters and Rayado, on a stretch of NM 21 that follows the original Santa Fe [...]

Om tare tutare ture soha »Buy This Photo!«
The sun came out on Wednesday after a cloudy, snowy stretch. Everybody needed that. We went out for dinner later at her favorite place. After we left the house, a heavy snow squall slammed us hard on the Paseo, but we made it to the restaurant on time. Everything was perfect, and she loved it. [...]