
Frozen Dead

Frozen Dead post image


FIVE DEER MICE IN SEVEN DAYS. Not too shabby. This was the first one. I named him (?) “Victor” after the trap and no I didn’t catch him in a tree but in the kitchen. I’ve caught all of them in the kitchen. There hasn’t been any mouse poop, nothing gnawed on, not a single [...]

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

author in the sunshine

iPhone 6s Plus shot using Argentum B&W app and Ansel Adams filter, tweaked in Photoshop

It’s been my impression that most people think dreams are a hot mess. My own experience is different. The unconscious speaks in symbols, but speak it does, especially if you’re dealing with an existential question. Symbols aren’t easy to handle, since what they denote isn’t necessarily as relevant as the roles they play, and you [...]

Nobody Knows

snow in April

This shot taken at 11:15 a.m. today. Snow was gone by afternoon.

I used to tell my psycho-analyst before I fired her, “I can’t help it that I’m this old,” meaning that I’m on a different track than most of the known world, at least the parts I read about, and grading for success is stupid. It’s my path, after all, and everybody’s got one. The worst [...]


old New Mexico truck

Another amazing iPhone 6s+ photo. You can buy these, you know.

Something’s happening. God loves me. Just look at that. I’m in love. What is going on. The sun finally came out after a week of rain, snow, and howling wind. There was even snow this morning (!), but this afternoon was twenty degrees warmer than yesterday. The wind stopped, too. When that happens, the sun [...]

February Love Song

The whole thing was her idea. Since our favorite restaurant was featuring music of a certain kind with dinner on Valentine’s Day, my wife suggested taking me there the night before, which worked out splendidly. The place was relatively quiet, uncrowded, and the food was wonderful—it always is. Meanwhlle, the lady was flying high. She’s [...]




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