There’s a new thing I’m trying out at Medium. It’s kind of hard to explain what Medium is, but I really like the formatting, and because of the way the site is configured, it’s possible to attract a lot of attention if you’re good. In fact, the opportunity may exist to greatly expand the number [...]
The new covers are gorgeous, and that’s not all: inside you’ll find revised introductions and back matter (the information after the last chapter) plus improved formatting—no more spaces between indented paragraphs, hallelujah! There’s a revised subtitle for the first one, too. The sampler ebook from Zoo Pilot Publishing (BUFFALO LIGHTS & TAOS SOUL: Eight of [...]
You’d be forgiven for thinking otherwise. The 900 pixel wide images dominate each post, and you get a high-rez version on any Retina-screen device. Zoom in on this sucker from your iPad or iPhone, for example, and it stays in focus longer. I’ll bet three people know that. But I’m always taking pictures—it’s a thing [...]
What have I been up to? Thinking, walking, pulling weeds. And starting a book, a novel this time. Rock & roll science fiction, I call it. That makes it lots more fun already. Maybe I can actually get into this. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Someone emailed me recently to say that she was “loving your [...]
“You need a major book project,” she growled, staring past me over the top of her wine glass. (Black humor becomes her so.) This was true. It would certainly keep me off the streets, if I ever went into them. I tell myself I don’t know what to write about. People yell at me and [...]