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Adobe Hell with Honey

window scene

Free from the chains of the skyway?

Sometimes I think I invented this life so I could write about it. Once I had the thought that everything that ever happened to me was “like holy fire raining down,” and all I ever had to do was tell the world. That was in the bathtub on the second floor on Still Pond Road [...]


Picnic post image

Oh let’s have a picnic a picnic by the sea no one there but angels as the waves wash over me Been observing all kinds of things lately. Had a birthday, end of summer, looking back again. Even with as much as I’ve done and all that I’ve experienced in all those years, it seems [...]

All Out Here If You Look

cloud formation

Holy flies of universal revelation, Batman!

We took a splendid little road trip up to southern Colorado. It was a glorious, beautiful day with visibility clear to sharp horizons. I wanted to stop every quarter mile and take more cloud shots. Just before crossing the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, we saw a tight clump of half a dozen bighorn rams, and [...]

Dog Wreck


No martyrs and no medal

The small gray dog somehow wasn’t crushed but tore off into the bushes shrieking hurt real bad. The Volvo station wagon in the right lane pulled over to the curb and no one got right out. I don’t know if they’d ever even find him and did not want to be in that car. I [...]

Coda Yoda

old adobe interior

Looking for the verbs

The palmist was known to me, the adult daughter of someone I knew as a crazy damn poet and writer in Austin when I’d hide out on weekends from my teaching in Wharton, where the sheriff had a deputy park in front of my house and opened my mail, about the time when the KKK [...]



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