A Juan del Llano Special originally published at my Substack, April 25, 2023. HE MADE IT BACK from the grocery stores. Hardly any food but out two hundred. Juan didn’t mind because he couldn’t. Didn’t lose it on Hot Springs Road either as he passed the spot he pulled a U-turn when the nurse called [...]

Greetings! Yes, I’m still here, and nothing of consequence will change at this site. I do have a new venture, however, that will be unfolding alongside JHFARR.COM, namely the above at Substack.com. Substack is a minimalist digital publishing platform intended for “newsletters,” although a single essay qualifies. Photos work. Anything works, plus there’s an option [...]
Say it isn’t so, except it is. At least the good thing about burning piñon, a variety of wood I never even heard about before moving to northern New Mexico, is that it’s so dense, a hefty log laid inside the venerable Ashley hippie hero wood stove from the ’60s will leave a hot pile [...]
Building fires is still a thing here. Callie the Wonder Cat is no dummy, although she’ll sit there sometimes when the Ashley’s cold. Cargo cult cat voodoo: if I lie here, heat will come. Oh that Ashley. I used to read the original Whole Earth Catalog when I was plotting my escape to northwest Arkansas. [...]
New Mexico would be a great place to test them out. Ribbons of sun-baked asphalt stretching to the horizon! (No paint! Signs shot full of bullet holes!) Open her up, see what she’ll do, etc. I knew a guy who got stopped for doing a hundred and ten up by the Colorado line where the [...]