
Stupid Gringo Day

Taos Diner, Taos, NM

Sign in the window says “Free Gluten”

First of all, that’s a photo of the original northside Taos Diner that has nothing to do with this post, though they’d have no trouble with the title. It’s definitely a state of Taos mind. You won’t find any tourists there. (We will beat you with our hippie sticks.)* It’s also close to the Famous [...]

Taos Trap™ Explained and Busted

Chamisa blossoms

I thought this was a metaphor but now it’s not

[Note: be sure to read the whole thing. This started as a rant. As I wrote, the anger drained away and something shifted. – JHF] It’s easy to wake up at 4:00 a.m. and fumble for the pistol in your nightstand. (Flashlight, buckles, old eyeglasses clatter in the drawer.) Doom and hopelessness will do that [...]

Room for Opportunity

Taos sunset

Right outside the door

Oh, never mind. Let the opportunity arise. I’d like to leave some room. [Comments off.]

Hold Me Aster

purple asters

Blooms and doesn’t ask for anything

Turkey vultures circle high overhead, but they’re not here for me. Maybe something in the neighborhood. There’s no telling what folks get into in these parts, especially since no one in the immediate vicinity has ever told me the whole truth about anything. (Dark underbelly of the code of the West.) Illegal loose dogs, illegal [...]

Just Another Sunset

Taos sunset

Miranda Canyon idiots run the stop sign on that hill at 50 mph every day.

We’d just finished our Labor Day picnic dinner of ham sandwiches in the living room. The front door was open and the air was getting cool. I decided to change my clothes, since I was still wearing the same shorts and aloha shirt I’d put on to do a quick mile and a half walk [...]



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