
Mountain Fix

Taos Mountain

Picture taken about a week ago

As I type this, it’s fifty-two degrees (11°C) and the backyard Lift-o-Matic is full of drying laundry. That means nothing on racks by the wood stove. Good. When it’s truly cold, nothing on God’s earth beats great blistering waves of actual heat from a real fire, but if it’s only middling cool like today, I’d [...]

Llano Quemado Report

muddy car

The amazing 2007 Pontiac Vibe. About 115,000 miles, over 30 mpg all the way. Great car!

Drove into town today to buy weird things to eat before the colonoscopy. Oh yeah, that’s happening—figured I’d jump on it now before the bastards screw up Medicare. You can guess the condition of the road. By that I mean the whole other dimension between us and the pavement. The holes are almost big enough [...]

Screaming and Crying

tire tracks in snow

You’d think the thing would go but you would be mistaken

“I fucked up! I can’t stand it! I fucked up!” she yelled, sobbing and staggering through the snow. Yesterday was her turn, the day before was mine. At least she’d actually tried to do something, namely pull out of the driveway into the frozen bog we call a road. Right away she gave it too [...]

Truer Words

old truck in Taos, NM

The metaphors write themselves

“We have to find a house!” she said. “If we don’t move, we’re going to die…” That’s the stage we’re at now, very handy for focusing the mind. I knew precisely what she meant. The meanness and tension alone would do the trick, accumulated hits that break you just for being here at all. Take [...]

Recent Notes

kitchen window

Thank you angel sister for the silkscreen and the love

“Oh god…” What a terrible new habit. That’s right, now I mutter “oh god” in the oddest places instead of clubbing the invisible wolf. (It’s just as well, someone might see me.) So yes, another kitchen window photo. Grit and cracks and cobwebs, boyos. Transmute, baby! Hup! Hup! Is it working yet? Oh god. She [...]



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