
Picuris from Miranda Canyon Road

Picuris Peak in the snow south of Taos, NM

Picuris is the one you can’t see, farther back, hidden in the clouds

That’s Picuris Peak up there somewhere and Miranda Canyon straight ahead. For different reasons, you can’t see either one. A bunch of us killed a fancy housing development up that way a few years back. I only played a tiny part, but I drew blood. The project had a PR campaign that treated the community [...]

Ten Years Out and Nothing’s Changed

July, 2003 somewhere in Arroyo Seco

Photo from 2003. She’s happy ’cause she hasn’t seen the head yet!

NOTE: I’ve got a good one for you here, an essay I published online back in July, 2003 when my wife was getting ready to move to Dubuque to take a job. Originally entitled “Stop Me if You’ve Heard These,” what made me think of it was a Craigslist ad posted by an ex-military guy [...]

Post-Snow Twilight

winter twilight after a snow in Taos

Have a drink, load up the wood stove, put your shorts back in the drawer

We just got a couple inches of new snow. Wet stuff this time. With the temperature just above freezing and all, a lot of it soaked right into the ground—you should have seen the unmaintained dirt road—but it’s 16 °F tonight, and all the world is frozen now. Winter could just as well be gone [...]

Taos Mud

muddy Taos road

Actually, I’ve seen it much worse than this…

Halfway through the first big melt! We could have a party to celebrate the coming spring, except the guests would have to drive through shit like this. Most Taoseños would be used to it, though. Sigh. This spot is just past our “driveway” on a road that shall remain forever nameless, so I can tell [...]

Real-Life Winter

snowy Taos driveway

Much cold. Hard. Don’t get sick.

Looks peaceful here, eh? There was more snow than these few inches—a lot more—just 10 days ago, then came the January thaw: about half of it turned into water that became a small stream running down the hill, and then it rained… The wet stuff came with a roar in the night, as the wind [...]



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