Put me in a house out here, it’s go to hell, you friggin’ butterflies, I’m watching eagles here! And that’s not all, oh no. The Rio Grande Gorge is in the distance, but the canyon of the Rio Pueblo lies just out of sight below. Could be bears and mountain lions prowling by to look [...]
Sometimes I forget we have a river nearby. The Rio Grande del Rancho runs through the valley below. There are pastures you can’t see here that flood from irrigation and attract wild ducks. Although to tell the truth, I haven’t seen that recently, since it’s gotten drier and drier. When I first moved in here, [...]
Today’s my honey’s birthday. I promised her I’d put the registration sticker on the license plate for her we when we got back from buying water, so up the drive I trod. Thirty-five degrees and breezy in full sun, no jacket. I did the job and put the registration card inside the glove box. While [...]
The tourists probably don’t notice, but I was just in town the other day, and I did: a few more empty storefronts, missing galleries, easy parking in the downtown lot… The building in the background is also vacant—it used to be a gallery—and there are two more former galleries for rent beside it where you [...]
Who says there aren’t any screened-in porches in New Mexico? We do, I guess. But there it is! Covered with plastic, looks like, but it might be screened. Slowly being eaten by termites and sinking into the ground, I’ll bet, just like our old porch in Merryland. Interesting tilt, anyway. Looks like that place even [...]