Things are looking up around here. All that snow is gone now, and the mud is almost firm enough to walk on with your good shoes. (Do people still have those?) It’s been a long, strange year since the old lady died. I passed out what was left of her money, and time went marching [...]
The title and text previously associated with this image have walked off into the woods and vanished, so this is what you get—and is it not a wondrous thing? In fact, in just a day or so, you’ll be able to buy it and every other photo on this site. Stay tuned for the announcement, [...]
Oh, it’s old, all right. Taos is really old. Back East, people often act as if there wasn’t any history before the English—one can only wonder why—but here the millennia get in your face. Aside from whoever showed up with armed Spanish expeditions, many early European settlers were actually Sephardic Jews chased out of Spain [...]
I heard a bunch of folks get called that today—over 60 of them, actually—”recognized and beloved artists of Taos.” These are all people right here in town donating one 6 x 8 inch art work each for a fundraiser. Each piece costs $125, which I am assured is “less than the cost of dinner for [...]
This place is level and had utilities. (See the electric pole?) Once a residence, for sure. In Arizona, it occurs to me, this would simply be a “pull-off,” and they’d run a shiny new one in. Here it’s much more likely someone’s legacy or headache. Look, they even left their truck. The property is fenced, [...]