
Volcano Peace Toilet

extinct volcano and Rio Grande gorge near Taos, NM

Yo, (extinct) volcano, yo. It’s peaceful. Toilet is below.

As I was settling in to write, perhaps about that extinct volcano and the Snowy Plains of Ishtar, I remembered I’d promised to call Gilbert the Plumber. Our landlady had given the go-ahead for him to replace the antiquated toilet with a new one, and we needed it—she actually said yes months ago, but we [...]

Dillinger Hideout Discovered

old Ford, old Taos

Fleeing in a hail of bullets

It wasn’t easy, but I tracked him down. The 111-year-old fugitive from justice has been living all this time in Taos, New Mexico. Thought he was pretty clever, he did, except that bad guys always screw up in the end. What gave our boy away? The only single-wide in Llano Quemado without tires on the [...]

Bunny Run

runny bunny

Funny bunny

Just thought I would put this up again. We do have a mess o’ rabbits in these parts. Pretty soon the coyotes will show up again to thin the herd. Howl ‘n’ dance all night, them do. Life on the frontier! »Buy This Photo!«

Taos Spring Revealed

old Taos on a sunny spring day

I found that steer skull out on the mesa—in a tree.

It’s finally arrived! No wait, the sun just went behind a cloud, never mind. That’s the way it is around here, on the edge of slamming cold any day of the year. That’s why the sun is so important, otherwise no one could live at 7,000 feet. And yes, that is a big elm tree [...]

New Mexico Oh My

Taos Valley Overlook

Rift Valley Trail, Taos Valley Overlook

Oh my God, it works! This photo upload was just an experiment, but we’ll leave it for now. HUGE, innit? Anyway, here’s where I was around noon today. T-shirt, shorts, air temp about 65 °F, dry and breezy. Just stunning, really. Every peak you see on the horizon is volcanic. The Rio Grande Gorge in [...]



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