
From the Center of the World

Taos Mountain in the clouds

The mountain at 1:09 p.m.

No, not Taos, you ninny! Taos is just a place. Haven’t you been paying attention? Now everybody just stay calm. There is much to report! I am raising giant rodents. Ten minutes after putting out bird food, there’s a two-foot squirrel standing straight up on its hind legs with cheeks puffed out like tennis balls [...]

Misty Mountain Morning

Clouds over Talpa, south of Taos.

Looking east and just a little north

This is what it looked like around 9:00 o’clock this morning after an all-night rain. Yes, it does that every once in a while. Every once in a long while, if the truth be told, and how remarkable it is. In just a few weeks, there could be a dusting of snow on those same [...]

El Milagro de Los Arruinados

trailer of junked cars

Not like this happens every day, you know, not here!

They’re leaving! If that’s not a miracle, I don’t know what is. And as metaphors go, this one is just fabulous. Those hulks have been part of the neighborhood scenery for way longer than the decade I’ve been here. The entire operation, from smashing in the roofs with a forklift, stacking the wrecks, and chaining [...]

Cool and Damp at 7,000 Feet

steer skull

Found this guy upside down in a piñon tree. You can read that tale in BUFFALO LIGHTS.

Yesterday was a wonder. Real mountain weather. For most of the morning and afternoon, the air had an electrifying coolness under bright sun with just enough humidity to pull you in and not enough to make you leave. We drove into town on a water run to fill the 5-gallon jug at Cid’s. I found [...]

Whomp ‘n’ Bang Friday Night

Callie on bed

Queen o’ the Jungle

Well, the big excitement a few hours ago was the feathers in the eggs. Damn right they were old. Yolks sticking to the shell and little white feathers. Didn’t sit quite right with me, you know. I may never trust another one. Not if it gets up and walks around, anyway. Right away I got [...]



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