This sure takes me back. The view resembles all too many through the very same window over the years. (Man, we gotta move.) I actually shot this at 1:18 p.m. MST, but it was really dark with heavy clouds and what I can only call torrential corn snow—”graupel” to you meteorologists, and yes, that’s a [...]
Here’s a new photo for you while we go to Santa Fe today so my wife can have a root canal, oh my. Be that as it may, the endodontist is a cool guy, has great drugs, she’ll be fine, and it’s a gorgeous day for a drive through the canyon. I may leave this [...]
Behold the glorious new day! Just before I’m dead, I come into my own. Anyone can do this, you don’t have to be a fucking kid. (More on that stuff later.) And see? I’ve gone completely native, too. They said it couldn’t happen, but it did. Good God, are we ever doomed. But no, behold [...]
Saturday was when it started. A beautiful day, just tough to stay outside. The wind was ferocious, up to 40 or 50 mph in the gusts, and there was plenty of dust. At one point I looked toward the kitchen and saw my big aluminum ladder leaning over at a crazy angle just outside the [...]
Well, let’s see: plenty of firewood? Check. Grocery shopping done? Check. Decorations up? Check. Presents, cards? Check—well, those that got done, at any rate. I’m gradually learning that the key to this is to try but not too hard. Anything that increases emotional pressure of any kind is out, and I mean anything. My wife [...]