Behold The Terrible High Desert™ in all its horror, eh? Give me a place like this and we’re in business, but it hasn’t happened yet. Our buyer’s agent keeps sending me listings for houses in the sagebrush—there’s plenty in this view—and I just can’t relate. Rocks and hills and arroyos to explore is quite the [...]
The big news is that the orioles are back, as anyone can plainly see. Also of passing interest is that I have either eliminated the middleman or else he just left, and now the lights are back on. That’s a good way to put it, I think, even if the truth is that it’s always [...]
I was wondering what kind of vehicle to get. I want to be able to get out in the boonies or drive cross-country if I need to. Back on the Eastern Shore of Maryland when weirdos and hippies could rent old houses on the water for fifty bucks a month, my old friend and fellow [...]
This might look warm. It wasn’t! More like the low forties when I took the shot six days ago, and it’s snowed twice since then. Not much, but still. The hummingbirds are back regardless, and the raccoons found the feeders I put up. Now I have to bring them in at night and put them [...]
This one’s a killer! The wind is epic, monumental. When the front rolled through late Saturday afternoon, the town of Taos down below was instantly obscured by dust, then rain and snow. I left two hummingbird feeders up, because the birds are here, and spotted one braving the blast to poke his beak inside the [...]