
Late Spring in the Boonies

high desert south of Taos, NM

Can’t get over how green it looks, and with hardly any rain

Behold The Terrible High Desert™ in all its horror, eh? Give me a place like this and we’re in business, but it hasn’t happened yet. Our buyer’s agent keeps sending me listings for houses in the sagebrush—there’s plenty in this view—and I just can’t relate. Rocks and hills and arroyos to explore is quite the [...]

Amazing Discoveries

Bullock’s Oriole on feeder

Western (Bullock’s) oriole on hummingbird feeder. They can wreck them in short order.

The big news is that the orioles are back, as anyone can plainly see. Also of passing interest is that I have either eliminated the middleman or else he just left, and now the lights are back on. That’s a good way to put it, I think, even if the truth is that it’s always [...]

Base Ops

Picuris Peak

What a concept

I was wondering what kind of vehicle to get. I want to be able to get out in the boonies or drive cross-country if I need to. Back on the Eastern Shore of Maryland when weirdos and hippies could rent old houses on the water for fifty bucks a month, my old friend and fellow [...]

Spring, You Say?

Llano Quemado, south side of Taos, New Mexico

Oh dat blue

This might look warm. It wasn’t! More like the low forties when I took the shot six days ago, and it’s snowed twice since then. Not much, but still. The hummingbirds are back regardless, and the raccoons found the feeders I put up. Now I have to bring them in at night and put them [...]

April at 7,000 Feet

tulips after the snowstorm in Taos, NM

Not nearly as peaceful as it looks

This one’s a killer! The wind is epic, monumental. When the front rolled through late Saturday afternoon, the town of Taos down below was instantly obscured by dust, then rain and snow. I left two hummingbird feeders up, because the birds are here, and spotted one braving the blast to poke his beak inside the [...]



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