
New Mexico Weeds

NM weeds

Nature knows best

I swear I never saw these plants before in my life until a few months ago, right here. They’re incredibly tough. They made my Craftsman Brushwhacker cry. All I did was trim them some to make a path. Now they’re turning brown. There’s some outlaw septic tank drainage field work under all that, too, most [...]

Old Taos

old Taos adobe

Not ours, but nearby

I can’t believe I don’t have any other posts by this name. There could be a whole series! This is a neighbor’s house. I’ll just let you take it in. »Buy This Photo!«

Bloody Taos [Revised]

cactus near Taos, NM

Cactus hanging into the arroyo

We are light and darkness. This truth about ourselves is beautiful and holy. Something happens at the interface that makes us wholly human.

Peacock Visitation

peacock on a dirt road in Taos, NM

I’m expecting kangaroos next

We were sitting at the bottom of our driveway. My wife got up to fetch something from the house and froze, facing the road with the most amazed expression on her face. I happened to have my camera in my lap and stood up, too. There at the top of the driveway by the garbage [...]

Death Mother Blues

View from the cliff at Taos Valley Overlook

From the cliff at Taos Valley Overlook: Rio Pueblo far below, mesa on the right is Native land, road to Carson in the distance

This is something of a trip. A hand-crafted excerpt here to say I hope you feel the freedom at the end.



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