Yet another sunset! Compensatory charm, you might say. I posted this image to Twitter early Friday evening: “From a wretched little dirt road on the south end of Ranchos de Taos,” as I recall. This is the only place I’ve ever lived where you can find trailers, dead cars, mudholes, and loose cows on top [...]
Crazy life, crazy life. Nothing settled, but all is more or less okay. With lots more money and a better house, this would probably just be normal! Oh god… Beautiful weather yesterday, absolutely perfect. Seventy-five to eighty degrees, twenty percent humidity, almost no wind at all. Front door open, just the screen. The sound of [...]
Yes, it’s that view again. Why not? It’s different every time, and yesterday was perfect. I don’t have much to say right now, just look at this. That’s the gorge of the Rio Pueblo in the foreground, with the larger and deeper Rio Grande Gorge behind it. The tectonic plate on the other side thinks [...]
Everything was fine, and then the unseen rock or midnight BB gun. It sneaks up on you, you know. Year upon year. The things you tolerate, get used to. First there was a little chip, regrettable but part of the experience. This one formed a tiny cross one winter, little cuts of light into the [...]

Extinct my ass it’s right there ain’t it »Buy This Photo!«
The top of San Antonio Mountain, at 10,912 ft (3,326 m) one monster of a volcanic peak, is about 43.5 miles as the raven croaks from where I stood to take this picture. That would be the top of the driveway, so I guess I can’t complain. Well, I could. It’s in my nature. The [...]